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yssbbffrr rrddattnn roo aavvr,,hh eetttt aaeeaappssttoo iihhWWssiiggooss nn eettoo oobbccmm nn ff teeccmmaay's oonneettvvcc rrssddnts ver. essiieetteeccmaayyeerriigjjss $$00ii tss frrttmmnnhh eeddrroo rrssee n. T hissddyy hee diiee aassoo,,addinnoovvtiionnccnniiuu ooddiieeBBGGii hattttee oo br> br> oollnn oo ttBBssoo oosslliiggGGooppii sseessee ooggttaaccss oorrccuuttrr f ouugg ooaa tpp33 ootteeooddrr nnttttttiinn ttddnnsswwooaattnn thhrr shhoosscaa stiillgee nnwwtt hh iimm CC ssccrreettyyffrruuaaiiggnnwwrrccuuttnn ttaaeeiiss o aaggttsshhoossoottiieeoo heettpp33..TTee llooppeeee o arree hh oo chhoossii hh iiiisswweeeettee aaeeooffccss uuhhaa ostoo,,CCiiaaoo ossAneeee,,MMaaii nn aa rrnniicc..<r> unerraduat eruitn reso apstks paei nay codn oBGrcutr.Te eri uir nyadd o aea nenhpporm rspooe.Tercutr o apsadcnutifrainssin,itriwitrse tdns n aeofr.A nenhp uefo ntedo ihBG hyofrfl-iepstost prxmtl 0 fteritrs b> C os t r ny drrdaebsns aoso Bs htte olo o saaei xelne hneautn tdnsfrpraetpstos e okfrvr ihgaepitaeae n tnadzdts crs hyas att e edrhpadivleet ekesi n n ftoeaeotlkl nc o u fconeto. Like other top management consulting firms, you want to hone your case study interview skills. Every interview at BCG is case-based. That means you will want to purchase case study guides and practice.
BCG highly values the talents of individuals rather than the focus of their degree. New management consulting analysts are hired as generalists then move on to specialty areas later in their careers.
The firm looks for people who can demonstrate a natural curiosity for learning and problem solving, leadership, and creativity. They also highly value results. The firm wants to see tangible results, and how you have made an impact with the causes and projects you have championed. To get a job at BCG be prepared to show how you meet all of these qualities through tangible results.
BCG is typically ranked as one of the best places to work. Their consultants work very hard, but the company prides itself with allowing their management consulting associates to have a life outside of work. Associates work 50-60 hours per week on average with times where the hours will be more. It certainly isn't a 9-5 gig, but no top management consulting firm is. The recruiters compare the schedule to that of a college schedule because a lot of time is spent preparing for big presentations. The company also does not like to hire people who are going to breed competition within the firm. They want their people to be competitive - just not with each other.
Recruiters for BCG say that some interviewers make the mistake of not listening during the case study questions and jump to conclusions that are often wrong. They advise candidates to listen closely to the question all the way through and not make assumptions, and if they have questions - they should ask. People who enjoy cases typically do a good job. In other words, learn to love case study interview questions and you will increase your odds of landing your dream management consulting job at BCG.