Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

10 Corporate Health and Wellness Program Ideas to Improve Your Workplace

10 Corporate Health and Wellness Program Ideas to Improve Your Workplace

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/95/9d/b9959dac2688bd30d1949f9238a6ff55.jpg

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What Does This Mean for the Cleaning Industry?

This increased focus on automation may make people feel a little bit uneasy. Especially since more companies seem to be working toward an increasingly automated workplace.

While some cleaning jobs will dissipate, most of the industry is safe for the time being. The tech that most of these robots use is specifically designed for a home environment.

That means that theres still a big need for cleaning services in places like offices and hotels.

It also means that many of these jobs will be replaced by fields like robotics and computer science. The latter, for instance, has seen a tremendous growth.

As of last year, the computer science sector featured an estimated 500,000 jobs for 50,000 graduates. While a job in these fields may not seem feasible for some, there are tons of ways you can learn these skills for free.

At the end of the day, robotic cleaning tech is great for everyone involved. Well see less waste, cleaner homes, and fewer back injuries. So next time youre stuck taking the trash out or scrubbing dishes, remember soon youll have help.

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