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Your immediate answer may be no, of course not. You could quit anytime you want. While you may say that to yourself, you know that you slip deeper and deeper into addiction every day.
If you or a loved one is abusing substances, you may try to turn the other cheek at first. Eventually, it gets to be too much.
Here are five definitive signs that drug rehab is the best option.
1. You Spend All Your Money on Drugs
Before addiction took over, you used to spend your money responsibly. Now, most of your finances go toward paying for your addiction. Depending on which substance youre abusing, you could be spending hundreds of dollars a day.
Youre running out of money. Youve started to sell belongings just to afford your next high. While you know you could lose your home and/or car, youre not concerned with that right now.
This is very risky behavior. Youre putting your future in danger.
2. Youve Cut out Friends and Family
Your friends and family dont understand your life since youve become addicted. All they do is judge you, so you dont see them anymore.
As time goes by, you become more and more isolated. The only people you speak to are your drug dealers and fellow users. This keeps your downward spiral going.
3. Youve Lost Your Job (or Are at Risk of Losing Your Job) Because of Your Addiction
When you were sober, you never missed a day of work unless you were sick. Now, you couldnt care less about your attendance.
Its hard for you to get out of bed in the morning when youre hungover. You regularly show up to work late. Sometimes you dont show up at all.
If youre there, its tough to concentrate. Youre always thinking about your next high.
You know youre going to lose your job soon. That will make it much more difficult to pay for your addiction.
4. You Can Never Get Enough
Your body can become used to drugs and alcohol. That means the usual amount just doesnt do it for you anymore. You need more to feel the buzz.
Your addiction becomes life-threatening at this point. You could overdose, which can be deadly.
5. How Do You Know Its Time for Drug Rehab? You Cant Quit Alone
Perhaps you tried to stop using drugs or alcohol once. You realized your addiction was taking over your life so you withdrew at home.
Within a day, the pain and cravings were so strong you went right back to using again.
Its generally inadvisable to withdraw at home without medical supervision. A rehab facility can help you through the difficulty that is detoxing from drugs. Once you get past that point, getting sober is a lot easier.
Do you need help overcoming your addiction to drugs or alcohol?
Find help now.